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Welcome to Ashley Black’s FasciaBlaster, Fasciology, and Fasciologist Blog

Layer by Layer

Layer by Layer

This blog explains how fascia is in every nook and cranny of the body and which tools you need to reach all of it. Learn the layer by layer techniques to restore the fascial body.

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Which FasciaBlaster should I buy?

Which FasciaBlaster should I buy?

Ashley Black's blog empowers readers to find their perfect FasciaBlaster, detailing features and benefits for a curated experience. Do you need Flushers? Small Claws? Big Claws? Nugget Tips? How long of a tool do you need? And WHY? We break it down in an easy-to-understand way.

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What is Fascia?

What is Fascia?

In this blog, you’ll find a concise overview of 5 types of fascia. Ashley, when writing her #1 best-selling book on fascia, discovered a riff in the science, with fascia being mislabeled and miscommunicated. This essential blog helps to simplify and recategorize fascia into easy-to-understand layers and characteristics.

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What is Fascia 2

What is Fascia 2

This blog by Ashley Black explores the intricate role of fascia in the body, elucidating its importance beyond mere connective tissue. It delves into how fascia houses blood and nerves, is seen as a vascular system, is a communication system, supports cell life, and aids in neuron communication. Discover fascia’s ubiquitous nature.

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What is Fascia 3

What is Fascia 3

This blog builds upon What Is Fascia 1 and 2 and dives into the newly discovered fasciacyte. It was previously believed that only the fibroblast was the genesis of tissue remodeling, but the fasciacyte changes the game. All this has a big impact on WHY the FasciaBlaster is so effective compared to other therapies and modalities.

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What is Fascia 4

What is Fascia 4

This blog dives into the true nature of fascia and its unlimited possibilities. I propose my scientific theorem, "Black’s Fascia Continuum Theory," which challenges what we know about anatomy. I present that we need to rethink our approach to human health and relearn a quantum body that is fascia-inside of fascia- inside of fascia.

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How To Use The Fasciablaster

How To Use The Fasciablaster

This blog provides step-by-step instructions on effectively using the FasciaBlaster to remodel fascia tissue. It outlines a simple yet comprehensive technique for proper FasciaBlasting, emphasizing the importance of going little by little and layer by layer with the appropriate tool. With clear explanations and accompanying visuals, the blog empowers readers to confidently incorporate the FasciaBlaster into their self-care routines.

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Gorgeous Legs Challenge Part 1

Gorgeous Legs Challenge Part 1

This blog pushes the boundaries on how to approach getting gorgeous, toned legs. I explain the 4 types of fascia conditions, introduce the pinch test, and walk you through why your legs look the way they do now. Then, I explain in detail how to grow muscle, reduce fat, and smooth the skin. This is the background science for the components of the challenge.

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The FasciaBlaster Skin Blog

The FasciaBlaster Skin Blog

In this groundbreaking blog on what REALLY gives us tight and glowing skin, you will learn that we missed fascia as part of the facial anatomy. You will be enlightened by cutting-edge research that shows that stem cells can naturally be released into the skin to produce collagen. Also, you can learn how to flush blood to skin capillaries like a 20-year-old's skin and how hyaluronic acid is produced by a newly discovered cell called the FasciaCyte.

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Fascia Through The Ages

Fascia Through The Ages

Did you know that the genesis of life is when sperm fascia meets egg fascia? Fascia is so primordial that it impacts every aspect of health from inception to our twilight years. Come learn how fascia affects us in our baby years, teens and 20s, midlife, and beyond. Your life could be totally enhanced by caring for your fascia "through the ages."

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Top 3 Things We Can Do to Live Longer, Healthier, and More Beautifully?

Top 3 Things We Can Do to Live Longer, Healthier, and More Beautifully?

In this blog, discover the secrets of life and health span from the Blue Zones, the power of FasciaBlasting, and longevity experts. Ashley’s top 3 things you can do to extend your life and make it better and more beautiful. Build a Centenarian Plan based on all the latest research.

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FasciaBlasting and Sauna

FasciaBlasting and Sauna

For years, I have been promoting FasciaBlasting in a sauna. Come check out all the latest research on beauty, longevity, and wellness for both modalities and learn how you can exponentially improve your life.

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Ashley’s Top 5 Tips for a Healthy Microbiome

Ashley’s Top 5 Tips for a Healthy Microbiome

In this information-rich blog, I dive into my Top five Tips for flat abs and a healthy microbiome. Yes, these go hand in hand. Learn how to FasciaBlast and do my classic InnerCoreExercises for intestinal health. Learn how food combinations, pre-and probiotics, and chemicals affect the delicate balance of gut bacteria. Five real-life solutions for optimal health.

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How to take care of your FasciaBlaster

How to take care of your FasciaBlaster

In this Mini blog, we help you understand how to best clean and store your FasciaBlaster tools. We also show you some of our testing methods, where to register your products, and where to get help with any issues.

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Purity Woods Guest Blog

Purity Woods Guest Blog

In this guest blog, the owner and founder of Purity Woods Skin Care discusses the top 10 organic ingredients that impact the beauty of our skin. He also warns about toxic products and how to spot them. Purity Woods products complement the FasciaBlaster system, and you can learn more about the science in this amazing guest blog.

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Is your Microbiome Cycle Affecting your weight?

Is your Microbiome Cycle Affecting your weight?

In this blog, Ashley shares her personal journey to repair a microbiome severely damaged by childhood NSAIDS and an NDE that had her on antibiotics for over a year. These issues manifested post-age 45 and were extreme and difficult to overcome. Learn her personal routine for a healthy microbiome and share her tough-fought journey.

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How Long Does It Take To See Results With The FasciaBlaster?

How Long Does It Take To See Results With The FasciaBlaster?

You can feel and see a result with just one use of the FasciaBlaster. With 90 days of consistent use, you can experience dramatic change, as reported in clinical trials. Everyone begins at a different starting point and has different lifestyle factors, so this blog breaks down what you can expect regarding the timeframe and how to maximize your results.

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Does the Fasciablaster reduce cellulite?

Does the Fasciablaster reduce cellulite?

Yes! The FasciaBlaster has been shown in peer-reviewed and published medical science to reduce cellulite. These results are not "self-reported." You can see in ultrasound imaging that fascia remodeling is, in fact, the mechanism to reverse cellulite. Cellulite is NOT harmless, as we have been told; it tells the story of aging and damaged fascia below.

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Is there a FasciaBlaster Dupe and everything you wanted to know about FasciaBlasting

Is there a FasciaBlaster Dupe and everything you wanted to know about FasciaBlasting

We thought this Google search term was funny, so we decided to write a blog to answer this question: Is there a FasciaBlaster Duplicate? No. Although often imitated, never duplicated, the mechanism for how Fasciablasting works to remodel fascia is one of a kind.

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Gorgeous Legs Challenge Part 2

Gorgeous Legs Challenge Part 2

In Part 2 of the Gorgeous Legs Challenge, I invite you to exercise, FasciaBlast, sauna, FasciaYoga, and flush with me. The challenge involves 2 days of activities and a 3rd day of rest. Each thing that you need to do is spelled out in easy-to-follow videos. Come get gorgeous legs with all of us!

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FasciaBlaster Research

FasciaBlaster Research

Explore the Peer-reviewed and Published Medical Science Journal Article in Layman's terms. Hear how the 90-day FasciaBlasting results were far beyond cellulite and lend hope for longevity and overall health.

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What is fasciology?

What is fasciology?

Explore Fasciology's holistic approach to understanding and treating a human body. The Fasciologist role in society is beginning to crescendo as traditional human anatomy models are becoming increasingly limited. Hear how Ashey started a Fasciology school to help advance Fascia Science.

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Does Fasciablasting Really Work

Does Fasciablasting Really Work

First, we must understand what the Fascia Blaster does before we can determine if it works. Ashley addresses the “media craze” around cellulite but dives into what FasciaBlasters really do- remodel fascia tissue. It discusses scientific studies and anecdotal evidence supporting the real benefits of transcending beauty and diving into overall health.

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Fascia and Autoimmune

Fascia and Autoimmune

Let’s explore the relationship between fascia and autoimmune conditions, shedding light on how fascial dysfunction may contribute to autoimmune symptoms. It discusses the role of fascia in immune regulation and the potential impact of fascia-focused therapies in managing autoimmune disorders, offering valuable insights into holistic approaches to autoimmune health. Written by Dr. Lindy Whitehouse, Ph.D.

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Elbow Tendonitis

Elbow Tendonitis

Let’s talk all things Elbow Tendonitis. This blog offers insights into how FasciaBlasting techniques can help alleviate elbow tendonitis symptoms by addressing fascial adhesions and promoting tissue healing, providing readers with valuable information for managing this common condition.

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Are Fascia Blasters Safe

Are Fascia Blasters Safe

This blog examines the safety of FasciaBlaster tools, addressing common concerns and misconceptions. It provides evidence-based explanations and recommendations for safe and effective use of the FasciaBlaster, and explains how bruising and swelling and other detoxing symptoms are expected and embraced.

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Fasciablasting. What is it?

Fasciablasting. What is it?

This blog provides an overview of the FasciaBlaster device and its application, highlighting its potential benefits in improving muscle function, reducing cellulite, and alleviating pain associated with fascial restrictions. Then, it dives deeper into the medical benefits found within our clinical research.

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Can Ashley Black’s FasciaBlaster make cellulite worse?

Can Ashley Black’s FasciaBlaster make cellulite worse?

Let’s address the bizarre internet myth surrounding concerns of whether using the FasciaBlaster tool could exacerbate cellulite. This was a weird blog to write, because all the scientific evidence and hundreds of thousands of real life testimonies point to the opposite.

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6 Myths About FasciaBlaster Damage & Bruising

6 Myths About FasciaBlaster Damage & Bruising

Let’s debunk some of the strange myths circulating the internet in hate and oppression groups. We face head-on these wild claims about potential damage and bruising. By dispelling these myths, the blog aims to empower users with accurate and science-based information and dispel any fear of FasciaBlasting.

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Presenting Ashley Black’s Oils and Creams

Presenting Ashley Black’s Oils and Creams

In this blog, discover Ashley Black's revolutionary blend of science and art in her specialized oils, creams, serums, and hydrogels. Meticulously formulated for optimal FasciaBlasting results. Inspired by her surfer lifestyle, the essence of coconut, lavender, and fresh breeze invigorate the senses. Learn how it was designed specifically for use before, during, and after FasciaBlasting.

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