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Ashley’s Top 5 Tips for a Healthy Microbiome

Restore and Rejuvenate your Microbiome

A brief overview of this blog

Unlocking the potential of a healthy, flat tummy goes beyond aesthetics—it's about fostering a thriving digestive system. The microbiome is the second brain. In this blog, I want to help you understand a few key things about how to care for your gut from the inside and the outside, and I’m giving you my Top Five Tips.


The fascia, an essential connective tissue surrounding and penetrating the gut, assists in gliding and helps prevent blockages that cause food to stagnate. Engaging in abdominal FasciaBlasting and Inner Core Exercises like those featured in this blog promotes a healthy intestinal lining and builds deep core muscles that hold the intestines in place.

Also, understanding the role of digestion is key. In this blog, I will give you simple “rules” to follow that will help your body be

in harmony with what you eat and not overtax your digestion. I will introduce the basics of fasting and coffee enemas that can help rejuvenate your microbiome. I will also help you understand how to embrace mindful eating by consuming fewer calories in a sitting. I have tips to look out for harmful chemicals found in processed foods, cleaning products, and medications, which can disrupt the delicate balance of your microbiome.

Also, understanding the role of digestion is key. In this blog, I will give you simple “rules” to follow that will help your body be in harmony with what you eat and not overtax your digestion. I will introduce the basics of fasting and coffee enemas that can help rejuvenate your microbiome. I will also help you understand how to embrace mindful eating by consuming fewer calories in a sitting. I have tips to look out for harmful chemicals found in processed foods, cleaning products, and medications, which can disrupt the delicate balance of your microbiome.


Finally, I will suggest ways to incorporate prebiotics and probiotics into your diet to support a healthy balance of gut bacteria. By adopting these scientific and holistic strategies, you can pave the way for a bikini-ready belly and enhanced overall wellness and vitality.

What is the microbiome?

So much more than “our digestive system.”


The human microbiome, consisting of trillions of microorganisms, is estimated to weigh between 2 and 6 pounds. This includes the diverse community of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes. The microbiome harbors a staggering number of microorganisms, vastly outnumbering our own human cells. Estimates suggest that there are about 100 trillion bacteria in the gut alone, compared to the roughly 30 trillion human cells that comprise our bodies. 3 to 1, we are more our microbiome than “us.”

Often dubbed the "second brain," the microbiome is not just a digestive partner; it communicates with various systems, including our nervous, immune, and endocrine systems, through a complex network of biochemical signals. It’s sort of like a general in an army controlling his troops.


One of the most fascinating aspects of the microbiome is its role in producing and modulating neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which are crucial for mood regulation and cognitive function. Neurotransmitters send signals through the fascia, which is also why fascia is so important. The microbiome influences hormone levels, affecting everything from stress response to metabolism. For instance, certain gut bacteria can signal the release of hormones like cortisol and insulin, which can make us gain weight, regardless of how “good we are eating” or how we train.

The human genome contains approximately 20,000-25,000 genes, while the combined genetic material of our gut microbiota encompasses millions of genes. These microbial genes perform a myriad of functions, including digestion, vitamin production, and immune system regulation.


So, we think of our gut as an isolated system that houses and then breaks down what we eat. But it is really running the show. Modern life is not helping. Antibiotics wipe out the microbiome, processed foods disrupt the microbiome balance, and medications, microplastics, and chemicals cause many issues. To have a healthy microbiome, we must be mindful of this knowledge and develop a long-term plan to care for our microbiomes. I’m here for it.

In this video, I sit down with Dr. Lau to discuss the microbiome as part of The Great Reset, a fabulous program you can sign up for and do today for FREE.

Microbiome Thumbnail

Now that we know a little more about our
microbiomes and how vital they are for our
health, let’s explore my top five tips.

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Ashley’s Tip #1

FasciaBlasting and Core Training

Keeping the structure of the microbiome healthy

Code Words

First, let’s understand that we must look for fascia “code words” to understand the anatomy of the intestines, the primary house for the microbiome. We look for words like “connective tissue,” “lumen,” “tissues,” etc.

FasciaBlasting and core training both flush blood to the area to keep the fascia healthy and the intestines supported in the muscular system. In reading over the anatomy, you will discover that the intestines are basically fascia, muscle, and mucus, which certainly makes a great case for Fascia Blasting and Core Training.

Core Workout

Mucosa: This is the innermost layer of the intestinal lining, which comes into direct contact with digested food. It has three sub-layers;

  • Epithelium: A layer of epithelial (fascia) cells that absorbs nutrients and secretes mucus and digestive enzymes.
  • Lamina Propria: A layer of connective tissue (aka fascia) containing blood vessels, lymphatics, and immune cells.
  • Muscularis Mucosae: A thin layer of smooth muscle (penetrated by fascia) that helps with the movement of the mucosa.

Submucosa: This layer lies beneath the mucosa and comprises dense connective tissue. (aka fascia) It contains blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves, and glands that secrete digestive enzymes and mucus.

Muscularis Externa: This layer consists of two layers of smooth muscle:

  • Circular Muscle Layer: The inner layer that helps to mix and propel the intestine's contents.
  • Longitudinal Muscle Layer: The outer layer that assists with peristalsis, the wave-like contractions that move food along the digestive tract. (Both layers penetrated by fascia.)

Serosa: The outermost layer of the intestine, which is a thin layer of connective tissue (aka fascia) covered by a layer of mesothelial cells. In the sections of the intestine not covered by the serosa, this outer layer is called the adventitia, which comprises connective tissue.

When reading this anatomy, I want you to remember what we found in our scientific study. The FasciaBlaster remodeled collagen, i.e., regenerated the fascia tissue to a supple, native state. You can see this clearly in the ultrasound below. Since the intestines are made largely of fascia, the condition of the fascia directly impacts their function and is part of the absorption process. Healthy intestinal fascia is a big win, as is muscular support.

Let’s Get This Gorgeous Legs Party Started

Below is the tutorial for abdomen FasciaBlasting and a playlist from my InnerCoreExercise videos, filmed over 15 years ago but still relevant today! I’ve also included a suggested schedule that you can follow along for ultimate intestinal structure support and rejuvenation.

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Click here for a schedule of abdominal blasting and ICE core training.

Ashley’s Tip #2

Food Pairings Are Important

Eating for Your Digestive Enzymes


As part of my New Year, New You Program, “The Great Reset,” which you may begin for free anytime by clicking here, I introduced my audience to food pairings. This is a very simple concept, but putting it into practice can be quite a life change. To really dive into this, I suggest doing the month-long program, but here are the highlights.

The food pairings are all designed for exactly what we discuss in this blog—the microbiome's health. Excess and undigested food festers, grows biofilms, and sets off a negative chain reaction in our bodies. So the short of it is, we want our food in… and OUT! Eat-digest-poop-eat-digest-poop-repeat! Different categories of foods require different digestive enzymes, so consuming food in a different way can help with the digestive process. There are a few assumptions before we jump into the pairings.


Assumption #1

Eliminate the 4 horsemen. Trans Fats, Dairy, Processed Flour, and White Sugar. Easier said than done, but our digestive systems were not made to break these down. All four categories damage the microbiome, and if you really want a healthy microbiome - these have GOT TO GO! Here is a quick video from The Great Reset where Dr Lau, Jared, and I discuss.

Assumption #2
Eating natural whole foods. The easiest way to look at this is, would someone in the 1800s have this food available? So, no more chemicals, processed foods, or non-organics. Our digestive system and microbiomes were not made to break down TV dinners or pesticide sprays on veggies.

Assumption #3
We cannot process more than about 400 calories in a setting. So, overeating, even healthy foods, can cause a buildup and lead to microbiome imbalance and biofilms.


OK, now that we know we are eating organic, eliminating the 4 horsemen and eating less…on to the food pairings. Here's the information in a nutshell: Remember, we are pairing foods that don’t “compete” but actually aid the digestive enzymes.


Vegetables with Proteins, YES.


Good fats can go with anything, YES.


Vegetables with starches, YES.


Eat fruit separately, YES ALONE.

But the Big Kahuna Rule that usually blows people away is NO ❌ pairing of Protein and Starch. This means no meat and potatoes, no meat sandwiches, no fish and rice etc. Sadly, most of us grew up eating this way, so it’s a bit of a change, but once you do it, you will love it! You will feel satisfied but not bloated, your digestion will pump, and your microbiome will love you. Don’t worry if this seems overwhelming. You can sign up for The Great Reset, where we send daily meal plans with the proper pairings and recipes. You can also find some easy resources below.

Calendar Food-List The-Great-Reset

Ashley’s Tip #3

Fasting and enemas

Resetting your microbiome from time to time


What I first want you to understand is that we can “grow'' intestinal biofilms that can block our ability to absorb food and can cause a lot of problems and diseases. We can lose muscle because we might not get the nutrition we need with this absorption problem. We can swell and be in a constant state of bowel movement dysfunction. Hormones can go whack, and our mental state can be affected. I personally experienced having biofilms, and I can tell you there's no simple or easy answer, but I am going to share what worked for me.

And let me tell you, biofilms are absolutely disgusting. I can’t believe that people have these things lining their intestines and festering for a lifetime. Imagine plastic wrap lining your intestines. Ugh 🤢 I have personally witnessed mine being removed. The pictures of biofilms are not for the faint of heart, so I didn’t include them in this blog, but if you have the stomach for it, click here for what these biofilms can look like.

Parasites, candida, and other bad bacteria love to live in these biofilms. So, let’s get educated on what exactly biofilms are. Intestinal biofilms are structured communities of microorganisms, primarily bacteria that adhere to the intestinal mucosa and are embedded in a self-produced matrix or “slime.” This “hotdog casing” type matrix comprises polysaccharides, proteins, and nucleic acids, providing a protective environment for the bacteria within the biofilm. Biofilms Here are key points to understand about intestinal biofilms:

Characteristics of Intestinal Biofilms

What I first want you to understand is that we can “grow'' intestinal biofilms that can block our ability to absorb food and can cause a lot of problems and diseases. We can lose muscle because we might not get the nutrition we need with this absorption problem. We can swell and be in a constant state of bowel movement dysfunction. Hormones can go whack, and our mental state can be affected. I personally experienced having biofilms, and I can tell you there's no simple or easy answer, but I am going to share what worked for me.

1. Structure and Composition:

  • Biofilms comprise multiple microbial species, creating a complex and diverse community.
  • The mucoid plaque biofilm protects the bacteria from environmental stresses, immune responses, and antimicrobial agents.

2. Formation:

  • Biofilm formation begins with the attachment of free-floating bacteria to the intestinal mucosa.
  • These bacteria multiply and produce the matrix, developing into a mature biofilm.

3. Location

  • Biofilms can form on the epithelial surface of the intestines and within the mucus layer.
  • They can be found in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, including the small intestine and colon.

So, needless to say, we want to clean our guts and make sure this matrix film doesn't coat our intestines, blocking food absorption, causing irritable bowel syndrome, housing parasites, or causing any other problem. So, how do you get them out?

Fine Line

The simple answer is Colonics, Colemas, or Home Coffee Enemas. All of these procedures involve pushing liquid into the large intestine to break down and move out the biofilm. Colonics use a practitioner and a machine. Colemas use much larger amounts of liquid (this is what I did) and usually involve a specialized colema bed. Coffee Enemas can be done at home with a small bag of liquid.

Some quick, helpful tips:

  • For colonics, google “Colonics near me.”
  • For fasting Colemas, as I did, click here.
  • For Home Coffee Enema, click here.

Now, here’s where some controversy comes in. Many people use these methods of extraction while continuing to eat. But for me, this just doesn’t make sense. If you have food in your bowel, the extraction will primarily remove “what’s in there.” So, personally, I went to a fasting retreat that incorporates juices for nutrition and daily colemas for extraction. My results were nothing short of a mind-blowing miracle, and if you feel compelled, this is where I went and have now been 5 times. I plan to do this yearly to keep my intestines free of mucoid plaque biofilms. I even host a yearly FasciaBlaster/cleanse retreat there each year. You can learn more here.

I am no expert in leading cleanses, but I hope that by exposing you to their existence, you can do some more research and find something that you would like to try. Whether you go to a 14-day fasting retreat, find a local colonics center, or simply green juice fast at home with coffee enemas, the main takeaway I want you to have is that biofilms can exist, and if they do, you want to get them out.

Ashley’s Tip #4

Keep the Chemicals out

The hidden killers of the microbiome


There are so many routes through which we can take in chemicals from our food and our environment. For this blog, I want to focus on some of the more egregious ones to bring awareness to this topic. Let’s discuss chemicals in our cleaning and personal care products, GMOs, Pharmaceuticals in general, NSAIDS, and processed food.


Personal care and cleaning products often contain "forever chemicals," or PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), which persist in the environment and accumulate in our bodies. These chemicals resist breakdown, leading to long-term exposure and potential health risks The disruption in the microbiome can weaken our immune system, contribute to skin conditions, and negatively impact digestion. In short, we must avoid using the products and find organic alternatives. Dr. Lau, Jared, and I discuss this topic in this quick video.

Toxin Thumbnail

When we navigate the complex world of genetically modified foods (GMOs), we unravel the complexity behind the long-term negative effects that may only be seen on the surface years after being introduced to an individual's diet. Scientists face challenges cataloging all the side effects of meddling with our foods. The problem is that consumers don’t have much choice when eating GMOs since the industry adamantly refuses to label their crops. Never before in human evolution has humankind eaten genetically modified food. My advice is to eliminate GMOs from your diet completely. In this short video, Dr Lau and Jared discuss this topic.


I'm going to throw pharmaceuticals and NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal, Anti Inflammatory Drugs) into one topic here, even though their impact could be quite different. It’s essential to understand that all drugs come with damaging side effects. Altering cell function and contributing to the cycle of disease. Even if a drug is “good” for one thing, it can set off a chain reaction that slowly alters our sensitive bioecospheres. Drugs are foreign to the body; the mechanism by which drugs work is to alter the body’s biochemistry to suppress symptoms. Most physicians think it is acceptable for people to take NSAIDs, believing that they cause minimal and acceptable damage. NSAIDs can cause gastrointestinal damage, leading to ulcers, bleeding, and the delicate balance of gut bacteria. This disruption can reduce microbial diversity, fostering an environment for harmful bacteria to thrive. Additionally, NSAIDs can alter the gut lining's permeability, potentially leading to a "leaky gut" or the inability to absorb, where toxins can enter the bloodstream. We know this is a highly personal decision, and we encourage you to do further research. Check out the video on pharmaceuticals and NSAIDS here.

First, our new silicone tools increase surface capillary activity, boosting blood flow and oxygenation to the skin. This enhanced circulation revitalizes your epidermis, giving you that glowy skin. Additionally, FasciaBlasters promote the proliferation of fibroblasts and fasciacytes, the cells responsible for generating collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. Collagen and elastin are crucial for maintaining skin's firmness and elasticity, keeping wrinkles, sagging, and creepy skin at bay.

But that’s not all. FasciaBlasting stimulates stem cells, which play a key role in tissue repair and regeneration. This means your skin is constantly renewing, appearing smoother and more youthful. Furthermore, this technique enhances the production of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance in your body that hydrates and plumps your skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and giving you a fresher, more vibrant look.

The best part? FasciaBlasting is a natural approach to achieving beautiful skin. By incorporating it into your skincare routine, you harness your body's innate ability to rejuvenate and heal. There are no harsh chemicals or invasive procedures—just you and the power of your fascia. Start FasciaBlasting today and experience the transformation. Look amazing, feel younger, and do it all naturally. Your skin will thank you!

Ashley’s Tip #5

Balancing the Microbiome

Prebiotics and Probiotics


Prebiotics and probiotics are essential for establishing and maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, but they play distinct roles. Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that serve as food for the beneficial bacteria in the gut, promoting their growth and activity. They aid in efficient digestion, immune function, and mental health by providing a nourishing environment.

Here are the top 10 best prebiotic foods:


Garlic: Contains inulin and fructooligosaccharides (FOS), which promote the growth of beneficial Bifidobacteria.


Onions: Rich in inulin and FOS, onions support gut health and have anti-inflammatory properties.


Leeks: Like garlic and onions, leeks are high in inulin, which aids digestion and supports a healthy microbiome.


Asparagus: Contains inulin, supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria and aiding digestion.


Bananas: Particularly when slightly underripe, bananas provide resistant starch, which acts as a prebiotic.


Chicory Root: One of the richest sources of inulin, chicory root is often used as a coffee substitute and supports digestive health.


Jerusalem Artichokes: Also known as sunchokes, they are high in inulin and support a healthy gut microbiome.


Dandelion Greens: Rich in fiber and inulin, they help promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.


Barley: Contains beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber that has prebiotic effects and supports a healthy gut.


Oats: High in beta-glucan and resistant starch, oats nourish beneficial gut bacteria and support overall digestive health.

Probiotics, on the other hand, are live beneficial bacteria found in fermented foods. When ingested, these microorganisms colonize the gut and enhance its microbial community. Probiotics help restore gut flora balance, especially after disruptions caused by antibiotics or chemicals. They play a significant role in microbiome balance. Here are the top 10 best probiotic foods:


Yogurt: Made from fermented milk, yogurt is one of the most well-known probiotic foods, containing strains like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.


Kefir: A fermented milk drink, kefir has a diverse range of probiotic strains, often more than yogurt, and can help improve gut health and digestion.


Sauerkraut: Fermented cabbage, sauerkraut is rich in probiotics, as well as vitamins C and K, fiber, and antioxidants.


Kimchi: A spicy Korean side dish made from fermented vegetables, typically cabbage and radishes, Kimchi is packed with Lactobacillus bacteria and other beneficial microbes.


Kombucha: A fermented tea, kombucha is rich in probiotics, particularly Saccharomyces and various lactic acid bacteria.


Miso: A traditional Japanese seasoning made from fermented soybeans, miso contains beneficial bacteria such as Tetragenococcus halophilus.


Tempeh: A fermented soybean product, tempeh contains a variety of probiotic strains and is also a great source of protein and vitamins.

Pickles Fermented

Pickles (Fermented): Naturally fermented pickles (not vinegar-pickled) contain beneficial bacteria that aid gut health.


Natto: A Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans, natto contains Bacillus subtilis and is rich in vitamin K2.

Fermented Cheese

Fermented Cheese: Some cheeses, like Gouda, cheddar, and Swiss, undergo fermentation and can contain beneficial bacteria that support gut health.

Both prebiotics and probiotics contribute to a healthy microbiome in different ways: prebiotics feed and support existing beneficial bacteria, while probiotics introduce new beneficial strains into the gut. Together, they create a synergistic effect, fostering a robust and diverse microbial ecosystem that supports overall health and well-being.

You also have the opportunity to consume prebiotics and probiotics in supplements. I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Curnutt of BeyondHealth from the book “Never Be Sick Again,” which I am a huge fan of. He filmed a special video for the #FasciaBlasterFam. This video explains all their recommended supplements for things difficult to consume with depleted soil and modern food practices, as well as prebiotics and probiotics. Give it a listen; it’s good stuff.


Here is a quick link (discount code: ASHLEY) to my recommended supplement brand, which has been thoroughly vetted by my team and me. It also includes the Pre- and Probiotics I personally take.

And That’s A Wrap


I hope this information-rich blog opens “Pandora's box” of gut health for you. Like fascia, the microbiome is one of the most misunderstood systems of the body by modern medicine and one of the most crucial.

Maintaining a healthy microbiome is vital for overall well-being, and I hope this blog provides practical tips to support your gut health. Belly FasciaBlasting and abdominal exercises enhance blood flow and prevent blockages, while digestive enzymes ensure efficient food breakdown. Periodic fasting and enemas clear harmful bacteria, promoting a fresh start for your gut. Avoid chemicals that disrupt your microbiome by choosing natural, organic foods. Additionally, incorporating prebiotics and probiotics helps balance beneficial bacteria. Prioritize your microbiome—it's the cornerstone of your health!

For any additional resources or questions, click here.

What’s Included

And why you need it

BA 1

Blaster Base
Our large and light FasciaBlaster for the surface tissue. Perfect for light abdominal blasting for digestive health.

BA 2

Mini 2
Larger “claws” to palpate deeper into muscles. Use slowly for the intestines. “Nugget tips” for adhesions and abdominal trigger points.

BA 3

FasciaYoga Ball
Use the ball while FasciaBlasting by laying over it to FasciaBlast your belly.

BA 4

For post-blast healing kryoTherapy. Great for spot inflammation.

BA 4

Blaster Oil
Our All Natural Blaster Oil Essentials is the perfect viscosity for FasciaBlasting. Essential oils increase circulation and fight inflammation.

BA 4

Cellulite Myth Book
Our #1 National Bestseller. Don't judge a book by its cover! It’s all about FasciaScience.

Cited Works

1. Full article: The effects of fascia manipulation with fascia devices on myofascial tissue, subcutaneous fat and cellulite in adult women

* The Fasciablaster tools have not been cleared by the FDA for the treatment of any disease

Ashley Black, Inventor Of The Fasciablaster

Ashley Black - About Author

Ashley Black is a decorated inventor, thought leader, and entrepreneur. She is best known for her work in the field of Fasciology. Fasciology is the study of the system of the body called fascia. Fascia is publicly known as the connective tissue, or web, that holds our body together, but fascia is also the viscous system that surrounds and feeds every cell in our bodies. Her work is directly related to the regeneration of this system of the body and the astounding effects this process can have on beauty, sports performance, and medical conditions.

She is best known for inventing instrument-assisted fascia techniques and tools, commercially known as FasciaBlasters. The tools entered the marketplace in 2014 and have become a household product. Black was the first person to write a #1 National Best Selling book about fascia, and she was the first person to do a TED Talk on fascia. By 2017-2018, her innovations and perseverance were rewarded with the American Business Association Stevie Award for Entrepreneur of the Year. IAOPT also awarded her with the Inventor of the Year. She also hit Inc's Fastest Growing Companies in America for the first time. This era was wrapped up with Ashley's self-reported highest accomplishment to date: the peer-reviewed Medical Publication of Research proving that FasciaBlasters can regenerate fascia tissue.

Since then, Ashley has received several awards, beginning with a second #1 National Best Selling Book about the struggles of females in business and authenticity in branding. She also received two global Stevie Awards from the International Business Association: Woman of the Year and a Lifetime Achievement Award for Consumer Goods.

In 2022, Ashley founded The Fascia Advancement Academy and the Fascia Advancement Charity to teach bodyworkers Fasciology. She has hit Inc's Fastest Growing Companies list for a second time, with over $150MM in revenue, profitable and growing. She boasts over 9 million social media followers and over 1 trillion unique media impressions for her work. She plans to expand into the beauty, sports, and medical professional markets and create a billion-dollar business in the next two years.