How Do We Turn Back The Hands Of Time
To Truly Rejuvenate Skin Naturally?
All your questions are answered with the latest research. Skin school is in session.

After many years of studying fascia, I would ask myself questions like, “How is everyone not seeing the forest through the trees?” "Why aren’t we considering the fascia as PART OF THE SKIN?” and “Why are we burning, paralyzing, causing trauma to the skin?” This quest led me to some simple answers.
Skin science is often complicated by confusing anatomy, such as “basement membrane” and “Musculoaponeurótica,” which are just fascia code names. This misleading anatomy is common in the body and the face's anatomy. Researchers also make discoveries about mechanical techniques that aid in skin rejuvenation, yet we continue designing lotions, potions, lasers, and injections. It’s like the scientific community is ignoring basic anatomy, skin science, and common sense.
When I started seeing pictures of long-time FasciaBlaster users like Kerry and Holly’s faces and Yvonne's legs
I started thinking, “I know fascia remodeling is amazing, but what is really going on here? Is there more to the fascia story?” And who can’t notice the quality of the skin? Maybe it’s NOT just the fascia underneath the skin, the way we are taught?” Maybe the fascia has more relevance for the actual skin? All I knew was that the FasciaBlaster techniques were doing something amazing that known science couldn’t explain at the time.
Just by looking at their pics, you can see that these are not photos of women who simply look “good for their age.” These are not the results of diet, exercise, Botox, filler, or plastic surgery. These results can only happen with true reverse aging of the skin and other tissues.

These types of results are what skincare scientists and researchers are constantly trying to uncover! The “secret” or mechanism of skin regeneration. So, when I really dug into the latest and greatest research on skin regeneration, I was SHOCKED to find that all the answers were right there. I now know WHY skin has the capacity to regenerate, and I’m going to share it with you in this blog! Come with me on a journey to the cutting edge of innovations in skin regeneration.
This blog will cut through all the things we “BELIEVE” to be the true anatomy of our skin and look critically at the “white papers” or peer-reviewed and published studies. I am here to piece them all together and present you with an easy-to-read, super-simple-to-understand compilation of everything you need to know.
In my quest to discover skin regenerating mechanisms, I found that the term “skin” is misunderstood. Don’t believe me? Just ask Google. Type in how many skin layers are there? What do we call them? What are they made of? No wonder we are confused and still missing the bullseye.

So, with the scientific understanding of anatomy all over the board, what I would like you to note is that fascia keeps getting left out of the textbooks, or it is being called by one or more of its generic names like “scaffold,” “aponeurosis,” or “connective tissue.” What seems to be a general consensus in Google World is that there are layers of skin, and the layers are made up of different stuff. This pic above I pulled from a well-known medical source directly off the internet. I then simply re-labeled the layers to point out that there is fascia in EVERY LAYER. And some layers ARE fascia. Take a look, and let’s try to reframe our understanding of the basic anatomy

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see in this histology picture of skin shown here, that cells are rounded shapes. They aren’t “floating in blank space.” In fact, there is no blank space in the human body. So, every “skin cell” at every layer is surrounded by fascia. And I would argue that fascia is both outside AND inside the cells, but we can discuss that game changing idea in What is Fascia 4 Blog. For now, the fact that fascia supports and feeds every skin cell is enough for me. Remember, as kids, we used to tease other kids by saying, “Your epidermis is showing.” Well, we can now say, “Your fascia is showing,” because fascia is right at the surface. And fascia transcends from this surface most exposure to the deepest darkest layers of the body in one continuous piece. Cool huh?
The 3D web of fascia, that is the skin

Consists of tiny skin cells surrounded by fascia. This is the most pliable fascia with lots of fascial fluid. The cells of the epidermis become less innervated by blood as we age. So how are the surface skin cells “fed” so they don’t die? The “scaffold,” or “matrix” (aka fascia), sucks up the nutrients and delivers them to the cells through osmosis, or we maintain capillary flow to the surface of the skin. (which we will discuss later) The bottom-most layer of the epidermis is the basement membrane, which is also a very thin layer of fascia. This will become very important later in our discussion because the cell's life and cycle both play a huge role in youthful skin. The takeaway–– fascia is an incredibly important part of the epidermis. The epidermis also houses the tiniest capillaries in young skin, and we have tools and techniques to help maintain this integrity.

Is interesting because what you will read is that the dermis “contains” tough connective tissue (aka fascia), but what they fail to mention is the dermis is MADE of fascia, and it houses these very important systems. The dermis comprises connective tissues, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, nerve endings, hair follicles, and lymph vessels. So, let’s unpack these systems. The connective tissues of collagen and elastin ARE fascia. Blood capillaries, the smallest of blood vessels, correlate to the skin's youthfulness (a lot more information on this to come). Sweat glands play a role in youthful skin and expelling toxins. Sebaceous glands play an important role in protecting the body.
The nerve endings are important to all FasciaBlasters because they are responsible for the skin’s sensitivity. Lymph vessels are important for removing toxins and free radicals that cause aging. New research suggests that lymph and fascia are so closely intertwined that they cannot be considered separate systems.
The takeaway from our little anatomy lesson is that fascia houses other systems like the frame and walls of a house. The stability of the skin is very dependent on the fascia, just like a house needs its walls! Fascia is so intertwined with these systems that they are interdependent and continuous.

To use the definition from lumen learning, “The hypodermis is also called the subcutaneous layer or superficial fascia. It is a layer directly below the dermis and serves to connect the skin to the underlying fascia of the bones and muscles.” 2 UMMM Hello? So, the last layer of skin is basically fat and fascia. I find it fascinating that the “people” who wrote the anatomy books lumped the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis into one category and called it skin! This made me wonder… if FasciaBlaster users get results like this by remodeling the fascia, maybe it’s actually because we are remodeling the skin in the process
Check out Dana Moore’s 5 Month Transformation

Stem Cell Reservoirs

Now that you know that skin is MADE OF FASCIA, and it is so intertwined with skin cells that it can no longer be considered separate from the skin, I want to dive deeper into the most EXCITING research I have read in a long time...

We discussed the 3 skin layers– The epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis. Now we will dive in head first and learn about a very interesting structure AND mechanism found in the dermis called the sebaceous gland. The sebaceous gland is generally talked about as the gland in the skin that, when clogged, is responsible for acne. It is also known as the gland that provides a slick coat for hair and is associated with hair health. But today, it has been found to have a new role, functioning as a Stem Cell Reservoir.
In award-winning global collaborative research, it was found that with age, the skin loses its elasticity, resulting in facial aging, such as wrinkles and sagging, believed to be caused by the age-related deterioration of cells (dermal fibroblasts), which control skin elasticity. In this collaborative research, the team has already discovered that stem cells originating these dermal fibroblasts are well-maintained around the sebaceous glands in the skin, and has named them “stem cell reservoirs.”
So, to put that into plain English, here are the 3 main points in this research:
• Age-related skin issues come from the deterioration of fibroblasts that control the skin's elasticity.
• Stem cells are the origin of the fibroblasts and can save dying cells
• Stem cells are intact and not deteriorating around the sebaceous glands. Thus, the sebaceous gland with its’ stem cells is now called STEM CELL RESERVOIRS.
Look at the pictures from the research showing that stem cell reserves are found in and around the sebaceous glands. In the second picture, we see that mechanical pressure, like FasciaBlasting, releases the stem cells into the skin.

This is a huge discovery because no one knew how to regenerate skin. But with this knowledge, the world is our oasis. Just get the stem cells into the skin, and voilà! This was further proved in the next picture, where we can see that the skin generates collagen once the stem cells are released into the skin. This is, BTW, what we saw in the FasciaBlaster studies in the ultrasound of the legs by applying mechanical pressure.

To wrap this in a pretty little package for you, here is the summary. Through palpation with FasciaBlaster tools, stem cells from the stem cell reservoirs are released into the skin. The stem cells promote the production of native collagen and skin regeneration. BOOM!

I am so thrilled that the mechanism for skin regeneration has been discovered in this groundbreaking research. FasciaBlasting with the FaceBlaster or OMGBlaster can now be a simple and viable solution to set off the stem cell release and fibroblast proliferation process for skin regeneration.
Surface Capillaries

Let’s unpack a little more of the latest research. In this blog, we’ve rewritten skin anatomy and learned that FasciaBlasting releases stem cells into the skin, the stem cells set off fibroblasts, and the fibroblasts set off collagen production. The collagen production creates a stable cell network for tight and elastic skin. New award-winning research from Shiseido stresses the importance of the surface capillaries.

Capillaries are what bring the “food” for the skin's epidermal layer. And we can clearly see in 4D imaging that our skin is younger when the capillaries reach the skin's surface. Check out the comparison of a person in their 20s on the left and a person in their 50s on the right.
Furthermore, what are the structures that those capillaries have to “make it through” to get to the skin? You guessed it, a web of fascia. So, if the fascia is not supple and native, the capillaries will have trouble making it through the fascia to the skin's surface. This is why I have designed tools to palpate and stimulate the deeper layers of fascia, up to the surface layers of fascia, and into the skin layer. It is these surface capillaries that sparked the inspiration for the invention of the Brush Boosters and the Scrubber head of the OMG tool. If you use the FasciaBlaster tools for the fascia and then end your session with skin-stimulating tips, you will be red AF! And that’s what we want! We want to promote the surface capillaries to reverse the skin's age. I explain this here in my OMG video.

Also, people think that blood is contained inside vessels and capillaries. But this is an inctomplete picture. Blood plasma squeezes out of little holes in the capillaries like a soaker hose. The blood plasma is then “drank” by the fascia network, sifted and re-uptaken by the capillaries. The fascia serves as a giant sponge for the whole body. If the fascia is dry, thick, or disrupted, the fascia can’t deliver nutrients to the cells. For skin, this seems to go hand in hand with capillary research. Our theory is that fascia and blood are so intertwined that they cannot be separated3 and that skin capillary health and fascia health are one and the same.
This is very exciting for all of us aging folks because we can now purposefully use FasciaBlasting tools to regenerate fascia tissue AND get blood into the surface capillaries to plump the skin. The moral of this story is “THE REDDER, THE BETTER.” Or, in practical terms, Blast and Scrub!
Hyaluronic Acid

All of the skin research seems to point in the same direction… the fascia. It’s super well-known and respected that collagen and elastin are largely responsible for how firm and elastic our skin is. The stem cells, the fibroblasts, and capillaries are new to the skin science game. The latest player in the game also relates to the fascia… the hyaluronic acid.

Here’s where things get interesting. Remember earlier in the blog, where we talked about how the fibroblast was responsible for setting off collagen production? New research from the fascia folks at The Fascia Congress announced the discovery of a new cell, the FasciaCyte. Apparently, two cells set off the collagen production - The FibroBlast and the FasciaCyte. It’s the FasciaCyte that produces the hyaluronic acid. I wrote an entire blog about the FasciaCyte that you could check out, but in a nutshell, this diagram shows the old belief and the new discovery

The FasciaBlaster techniques are directly related to the FasciaCyte because the Fibroblast and FasciaCyte are stimulated differently. Here is the explanation from the Fascia Congress press release4:

Keep in mind when we look at this that it is widely accepted that the trifecta of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid is what gives us younger skin. The fibroblast stimulates collagen and, through a longer process, the elastin… but the FasciaCyte stimulates hyaluronic acid. Why is this important? Because FasciaBlasting is the only tool that provides all three mechanisms. Check out the Gif’s below.

Pressure when you press

Stretching as you blast with the muscle fibers and fascia fibers

And shear when you penetrate between muscles fibers and create separation
All of this to say that if you want Collagen, Elastin and Hyaluron, you will benefit greatly by using the FasciaBlaster tools for your body, and the FaceBlaster or OMGBlaster for your face. The techniques of blasting that combine load, stretch, and shear will stimulate the proper cells to help regenerate and reverse the age of the skin 🎤
Combining FasciaBlaster Research with
the latest Skin Science

We learned that the skin is made up of fascia and that with palpation of the tissue, we can increase stem cell proliferation in the dermis. We learned that the stem cells in the dermis can function together as a network to produce collagen and truly prove skin regeneration. We discovered that more surface capillaries at the skin are correlated with younger skin. We learned that two cells produce the network regeneration, the fibroblast, and the fasciacyte. We learned that the FasciaBlaster tools are designed to produce these regenerating effects and flush blood to the skin’s surface.
Stay with me here; it’s getting good! The results found AT the SKIN could potentially be coming from BELOW the skin, or at least work in tandem. The research on stem cell reservoirs and capillaries is amazing, but is the mechanism actually palpation of skin, but of the fascia, OR BOTH?
The most exciting thing about recent skin research is that it aligns with and completely supports the research we have done on FasciaBlasting. What they saw at the surface ––skin regeneration–– is what we saw below the surface–– tissue regeneration. They go together like peas and carrots!
If we need clarity here, “tissue” refers to the soft tissue structures. Soft tissue is defined as “muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, nerves, fibrous tissues, fat, blood vessels, and synovial membranes.” This interests me because synovial membranes and fibrous tissues ARE fascia, and the remaining structures of soft tissue are penetrated and surrounded BY fascia. So, it’s pretty safe to say that we are talking largely about the fascia when we refer to tissue. Tissue when it is “damaged” is thick, unorganized and mangled, which you can see in the “before” ultrasound. Then, after 90 days of FasciaBlasting, you can see the tissue is realigned, rehydrated, and REGENERATED.

By bridging skin studies with our studies, we can better understand how our users get the amazing results they do. People constantly question whether our before and after pics are even the same person. We get asked why their skin seems to have slightly changed shade or how old scarring and patterns of fascia dysfunction are completely reversed. Now we know! The beauty aspects are simply a wonderful byproduct of doing something incredibly healthy for our tissue!
Here are a few corresponding ultrasounds with photography. The lighting was completely controlled, as well as the angle of photography. You can see what is happening in the ultrasounds below the surface into the fascial tissue and at the surface with the skin tissue.

And That’s A Wrap

If you're seeking naturally radiant and youthful skin, it's time to discover FasciaBlasting tools and techniques. This innovative technique not only enhances your appearance but also works wonders beneath the surface, promoting optimal skin health and rejuvenation. This process is more than just a fascial tool; it's science-backed techniques that deliver never-before-seen results.
First, our new silicone tools increase surface capillary activity, boosting blood flow and oxygenation to the skin. This enhanced circulation revitalizes your epidermis, giving you that glowy skin. Additionally, FasciaBlasters promote the proliferation of fibroblasts and fasciacytes, the cells responsible for generating collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. Collagen and elastin are crucial for maintaining skin's firmness and elasticity, keeping wrinkles, sagging, and creepy skin at bay.
But that’s not all. FasciaBlasting stimulates stem cells, which play a key role in tissue repair and regeneration. This means your skin is constantly renewing, appearing smoother and more youthful. Furthermore, this technique enhances the production of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance in your body that hydrates and plumps your skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and giving you a fresher, more vibrant look.
The best part? FasciaBlasting is a natural approach to achieving beautiful skin. By incorporating it into your skincare routine, you harness your body's innate ability to rejuvenate and heal. There are no harsh chemicals or invasive procedures—just you and the power of your fascia. Start FasciaBlasting today and experience the transformation. Look amazing, feel younger, and do it all naturally. Your skin will thank you!
A deeper dive into the FasciaBlaster tools
You can now purchase the OMG, FaceBlaster,
or Boosters! A la carte or as a bundle

Fine Line Eraser
Your new obsession for the eyes and lips. part of the OMG 5-in-1 face contouring set is ideal for detailed blasting of areas like the lips, nasolabial, brows, and crow's feet. The two prongs allow you to easily maneuver around eyes and are great for toes and fingers. Also use the Bunny Tip for inside the jaw or other hard to reach places. The Bunny Tip is A FasciaBlaster tool, so use the blasting technique to release stem cells into the skin, to regenerate collagen.
Skin Invigorating Tool
Skin Invigorating Tool. Part of the OMG 5-in-1 face contouring set. Use in a very fast “scrubbing” motion in any direction including circles.
Turn your face red without irritating the skin, bringing blood to the surface capillaries. This is an important part of the skin regeneration process, and how we intentionally bring energy to the surface of the skin. This should be done last, after your blasting session.

Lymphatic Gua sha Flusher
Part of the OMG 5-in-1 face contouring set. The Lymphatic Flusher is similar to Gua Sha tools and a great addition to blasting. Move toxic lymphatic fluids to the lymph nodes to “take out the trash”. Lymphatic Flushers can be used to prep for FasciaBlasting and used after to flush.
Mini Nugget Trigger Point Tool
Your Tension and wrinkle fighter. Part of the OMG 5-in-1 face contouring set, target lip lines, turkey neck, crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles and saggy eyes, and define your jawline with ease.
The tiny nugget tip is excellent for targeting areas of stagnation, strategically targeting the Stem Cell Reservoir, to release stem cells into the exact wrinkle or area you want to bring new life to.

Single Claw Wrinkle Blaster
For detailed fascia work. Part of the OMG 5-in-1 face contouring set, blast lip lines, turkey neck, crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, saggy eyes, and easily define your jawline.
The Single Claw Wrinkle Blaster has the same FaceBlaster claw you love with ease of reach. So, use the blasting technique to boost collagen production and release stem cells into the skin.
Ashley explains each OMG tip in this video:

The Face Blaster is the only other tool appropriate for the face besides the OMGBlaster. People love it because you can blast the neck and face quickly, but the FaceBlaster is also awesome for the total body. It’s great for knees, shoulders, lower abs, etc. Remembering the science from this blog, the FaceBlaster palpates into the deeper layers of skin and the myofascial tissue. This will release stem cells from the reservoirs into the skin to produce collagen. The FaceBlaster also restores the fascia that houses blood, allowing it to transcend to the skin's surface. Ashley explains how to use the FaceBlaster for face in this video.

The Boosters were specially designed for both sides. The Brush side was designed to desensitize tissue and get the lymphatic system flowing. This is great before and after blasting for flushing. The Scrubber is designed to bring blood to the surface capillaries of the skin. If you use the Scrubber at the end of a blasting session, the skin should be red red red, signaling that blood has reached the surface. You can use them on your face and body. And to make Scrubbing the body easier, they designed the boosters to fit into the Blaster Base. Ashley explains in this video.

Bundle and Save on
our Skin Care Tools
Cited Works
2. Hypodermis | Biology for Majors II
3.The Primo Vascular System as a New Anatomical System - ScienceDirect
4. The discovery of a new cell at the 2018 Fascia Research Congress in Berlin
5. Shiseido Discovers that Capillaries Promote Epidermal Regeneration | NEWS RELEASE
* The Fasciablaster tools have not been cleared by the FDA for the treatment of any disease
Ashley Black, Inventor Of The Fasciablaster

Ashley Black is a decorated inventor, thought leader, and entrepreneur. She is best known for her work in the field of Fasciology. Fasciology is the study of the system of the body called fascia. Fascia is publicly known as the connective tissue, or web, that holds our body together, but fascia is also the viscous system that surrounds and feeds every cell in our bodies. Her work is directly related to the regeneration of this system of the body and the astounding effects this process can have on beauty, sports performance, and medical conditions.
She is best known for inventing instrument-assisted fascia techniques and tools, commercially known as FasciaBlasters. The tools entered the marketplace in 2014 and have become a household product. Black was the first person to write a #1 National Best Selling book about fascia, and she was the first person to do a TED Talk on fascia. By 2017-2018, her innovations and perseverance were rewarded with the American Business Association Stevie Award for Entrepreneur of the Year. IAOPT also awarded her with the Inventor of the Year. She also hit Inc's Fastest Growing Companies in America for the first time. This era was wrapped up with Ashley's self-reported highest accomplishment to date: the peer-reviewed Medical Publication of Research proving that FasciaBlasters can regenerate fascia tissue.
Since then, Ashley has received several awards, beginning with a second #1 National Best Selling Book about the struggles of females in business and authenticity in branding. She also received two global Stevie Awards from the International Business Association: Woman of the Year and a Lifetime Achievement Award for Consumer Goods.
In 2022, Ashley founded The Fascia Advancement Academy and the Fascia Advancement Charity to teach bodyworkers Fasciology. She has hit Inc's Fastest Growing Companies list for a second time, with over $150MM in revenue, profitable and growing. She boasts over 9 million social media followers and over 1 trillion unique media impressions for her work.