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Which FasciaBlaster Should I Buy?

Fascia Blaster Benefits

Navigating Our Top-Rated Fascia Massage Tools

Quick Answer: It depends on what you are using it for. Learn to think of fascia in depth. Fascia is found from the skin to the bones, and we want all of it to be healthy! Where is your fascia dysfunction? Do you need the skin layer? Surface fascia? Myofascial tissue? Super deep fascia? Most people need all the layers, so we have different FasciaBlaster tools for different depths!

Fascia Blaster Benefits

We have designed tools for the uber-sensitive pro athlete. So before you pick a tool or tools (which is more likely), understanding the types of FasciaBlaster tips we have is essential.

Lymphatic Scrubber

You want a scrubber tip for for desensitizing sensitive tissue, people who bruise easily, beginners that need to ease in, and nerve, lymphatic drainage and getting blood flow to the surface capillaries.

Small Claw

You will want a flusher tip for pre-blast massage to “seek out” adhesions and for post-blast flushing of fluids.

Large Claw

You want a small claw tip to prepare the top layer of fascia and fat and prepare the body for deeper work.


You will want a large claw tip for deep myofascial work deep into multiple muscle layers.


You will want a nugget tip for adhesions, stubborn spots, wrinkles, dents, or trigger points.

Once you know the depth you want to reach, the length of the tool is dependent on the areas you wish to address.

How to use the Fasciablaster

You want a mini tool if it’s tiny spots like hands, face or neck.

How to use the Fasciablaster

You want a medium-length tool if it’s small spots like arms or inner thighs.

How to use the Fasciablaster

You will want a long tool for legs or a full-body blast.

How to use the Fasciablaster

And if you want to get your own back, you will need extenders.

How to use the Fasciablaster

Nuggets are always for detailed work, like trigger points.

So pair up the type of tip you want with the length you need; voila, you’ve picked the perfect tool. Our founder, Ashley Black, explains the layers of fascia here.

One important note: For deeper work, we recommend starting with a brush or small claw and graduating to a large claw tool and nugget, no matter what your starting fascia condition is. Most of our kits have multiple tips and options to help you with your first collection. Although users love FasciaBlasters for overall health and performance, many of our customers want results for cellulite1, and for this, you will definitely need multiple types of tips. Here is a link to some cellulite-specific kits.

What FasciaBlaster Works for Certain Layers

What is Fascia, and How Do you Get FasciaBlaster Results

Fascia Blaster Benefits

Thanks to our intuitive guide, selecting the ideal FasciaBlaster or FasciaBlaster collection tailored to your needs has never been easier! Ashley Black explains the fascinating world of fascia and how our diverse range of tools and tips interact with various layers of connective tissue. When you embark on the journey to find the perfect FasciaBlaster for your unique requirements, it's essential to explore the science behind how our tools influence each fascia layer. Dive into this video for an enlightening explanation!

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Our best-selling kit addresses
surface to deep


More on…Surface, Deep-Tissue, Trigger Point, Lymphatic Drainage, and Easy Routines to Work On!

Here's a rundown, from the lightest to the deepest, to help you understand the diversity of our tips:

Lymphatic Scrubbers: We offer long and short silicone bristles designed for gentle brushing and scrubbing along the skin's surface. They help flush temporary blood flow to the surface1, desensitize the skin, stimulate the lymphatic system2, and promote temporary blood circulation to the skin's capillaries, enhancing your skin's appearance3.

Lymphatic Flushers: Similar to Gua Sha or Swedish massage, these tools feature flusher edges that allow for light flushing down the muscles, facilitating fluid movement and detoxification4. They're also invaluable for detecting dents, lumps, and fascia issues such as restrictions, adhesions, and dysfunctions, ensuring an effective plan for deeper myofascial release.5.

Small Claws: These small claw tools resemble the original FasciaBlaster claws but are smaller and are perfect for penetrating the superficial fascia and shallow depths, such as the first layer of fascia and fat. Start with a small claw tool, gradually working up to more substantial tools as your comfort level increases, making your FasciaBlaster experience easy and effective.

Large Claw Tools: Designed for penetrating the myofascial tissue, these larger claw tools enable you to delve deeper into the myofascial tissue and the underlying muscle layers. You may target the second or third layer of fascia and the muscles beneath as you progress, providing deep tissue relief for various body parts. Fan favorites include the Savage Blaster and The Original FasciaBlaster.

Nugget Tips: Whether you prefer gentle usage or deep trigger point therapy, nugget tips are versatile. You can tap with the nugget tip or lightly scribble to desensitize or poke deeply into the tissue to address large clumps, fascial adhesions, restrictions, or dysfunction. Nugget tips are particularly effective for stubborn and sensitive areas, promoting myofascial5 release.

Extenders: Reach your own back or back of your legs with ease. The Extenders click on any FasciaBlaster tool with a regular-size handle. You can tighten the handles in any direction and any spot on the hand to customize.

To explore these tips further and see them in action, check out our kits, which offer a variety of tips to meet your specific needs. If you still need to check out the video on going layer by layer with FasciaBlasting, click here.

The Value of FasciaBlasters

A Lifetime Investment

FasciaBlasters come in a price range of $69 to $250, and their remarkable results of regenerating fascia1 may even surpass other treatments, such as stem cells and PRP that are designed to regenerate tissue. (6)(7)When you compare the cost of $10-$15k for a one time treatment to a FasciaBlaster tool for a lifetime of use, it's a small price

Peer Reviewed

FasciaBlasters come in a price range of $69 to $250, and their remarkable results of regenerating fascia1 may even surpass other treatments, such as stem cells and PRP that are designed to regenerate tissue. (6)(7)When you compare the cost of $10-$15k for a one time treatment to a FasciaBlaster tool for a lifetime of use, it's a small price to pay. You’re not investing in a massager; you’re investing in a highly engineered tool with a lifetime of mind-blowing results. Considering the importance of healthy fascia, a FasciaBlaster is of serious value.

to pay. You’re not investing in a massager; you’re investing in a highly engineered tool with a lifetime of mind-blowing results. Considering the importance of healthy fascia, a FasciaBlaster is of serious value.

Fascia, much like brushing your hair or teeth, necessitates consistent maintenance. While your hair or teeth may not inherently have issues, neglecting them for four or five decades could lead to less-than-ideal conditions (LOL, it’s a joke, but we think it paints an accurate picture). The same principle applies to your fascia. Instead of resorting to costly procedures to stimulate regeneration, you can seamlessly incorporate fascia care into your lifestyle, allowing fascia cells to naturally proliferate1. Considering a FasciaBlaster is a forever investment, once you acquire one, it becomes a permanent fixture in your wellness toolkit. Brush your teeth and hair, and add brushing your fascia to the list for lasting health and vitality!

Top rated fascia massage tools

Enhancing Your FasciaBlaster

The System’s Roadmap To Amplified Results

FasciaBlasting is a journey with no wrong turns; however, there are certainly ways to elevate your experience for maximum results. Let's explore the optimal way to harness the potential of the FasciaBlaster system step-by-step.

Heat Up: Fascia tissue can fluctuate between rigidity and pliability. Heat is your ally, internally or externally, to achieve that desirable pliability. Internally, elevate your heart rate through physical activity. Indulge in a sauna, hot bath, or steam shower for external heat. We even offer sauna suits as a budget-friendly option to get your heat on, and we wholeheartedly endorse Sunlighten Saunas with infrared technology for an enhanced experience.

Blaster Oil: Unlock the full potential of your FasciaBlaster system by incorporating Ashley Black’s Blaster Oil. Personally formulated by Ashley Black, this botanical-rich oil is your ticket to an enhanced FasciaBlasting experience. With its tissue-softening properties, Blaster Oil ensures more effective Blastings. Blaster Oil is the bare minimum. Shop our amazing botanical and scientifically proven creams, serums, and hydrogels for optimal customization.

FasciaBlast: The core of it all – FasciaBlasting! Employ your FasciaBlaster tools, applying gentle and brisk strokes, not digging into the tissue like a massage, on bare skin generously coated with Blaster Oil. Progress steadily, layer by layer, as you embark on your journey to unleash your fascia's potential. For expert tips on mastering the art of FasciaBlasting layer by layer, click here.

Flush and Scrub: A comprehensive FasciaBlaster routine involves the techniques of flushing and scrubbing. Flushing entails a flowing massage action; we recommend our specialized lymphatic flusher tools for this purpose. Additionally, our silicone scrubbers work wonders in temporarily increasing blood flow to the skin, ensuring optimal circulation to the capillaries, 1thereby enhancing skin health.

Stretch: Fascia thrives on post-FasciaBlasting stretching. Stretching serves as the reinforcement for the improvements you've initiated in your fascia. Ashley Black's passion for Fascial Stretch Therapy led to creating a FREE app featuring her FasciaYoga program dedicated to fascia line stretching. You can also follow her guidance on YouTube, and to fully partake in these stretching sessions, you'll need a specially designed ball.

Cold Therapy: Beyond its benefits, like converting stubborn fat8 and calming the nervous system, cold therapy is crucial in managing acute inflammation that can arise from FasciaBlasting. Our range of Ashley Black KryoPacks and KryoMats, available in various sizes from small to blanket sizes, are designed to make your cold therapy experience more comfortable. Our packs are known for their superior coldness and delightful squishiness compared to regular cold packs. Additionally, we highly recommend integrating cold plunges into your regimen for a well-rounded FasciaBlaster experience that rejuvenates you.

Cupping: A great way to loosen the fascia and draw blood to the area before blasting. Great for stretching fascia inside joints. Also good to “flush” after a FasciaBlaster session. Click here for more on cupping.

Embrace The Roadmap And Unlock the Full
Potential Of The FasciaBlaster System

Pave The Way For Amplified Results

Your journey to a healthier, smoother, and more vibrant life begins with GETTING STARTED with your FasciaBlaster. Ashley Black, the mastermind behind this revolutionary system, has made it easy, from the large claw tool originals, the Mini 2 and FasciaBlaster, to the versatile lymphatic tips of the Brush & Blast and targeted tools like the Nugget and OMGBlaster, the 5-in-1 face tool. No matter what you desire to achieve, there's a FasciaBlaster designed just for you.

Don't let cellulite, trigger points, or muscle pain9 hold you back from living life to its fullest expression. Take control of your healthcare routine, work on those stubborn areas of your body, and experience the transformative power of Fascia Blasting.

Check out our whole suite of tools, the system, and our personalized collections catered to your needs to find the perfect tools for your journey! Click here

With the right FasciaBlaster too, you'll unlock a world of possibilities, amazing results, and a healthier, happier you. Say goodbye to the archaic medical model and welcome a new era of wellness with the FasciaBlaster system!

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Ashley Black, Inventor Of The Fasciablaster

Ashley Black - About Author

Ashley Black is a decorated inventor, thought leader, and entrepreneur. She is best known for her work in the field of Fasciology. Fasciology is the study of the system of the body called fascia. Fascia is publicly known as the connective tissue, or web, that holds our body together, but fascia is also the viscous system that surrounds and feeds every cell in our bodies. Her work is directly related to the regeneration of this system of the body and the astounding effects this process can have on beauty, sports performance, and medical conditions.

She is best known for inventing instrument-assisted fascia techniques and tools, commercially known as FasciaBlasters. The tools entered the marketplace in 2014 and have become a household product. Black was the first person to write a #1 National Best Selling book about fascia, and she was the first person to do a TED Talk on fascia. By 2017-2018, her innovations and perseverance were rewarded with the American Business Association Stevie Award for Entrepreneur of the Year. IAOPT also awarded her with the Inventor of the Year. She also hit Inc's Fastest Growing Companies in America for the first time. This era was wrapped up with Ashley's self-reported highest accomplishment to date: the peer-reviewed Medical Publication of Research proving that FasciaBlasters can regenerate fascia tissue.

Since then, Ashley has received several awards, beginning with a second #1 National Best Selling Book about the struggles of females in business and authenticity in branding. She also received two global Stevie Awards from the International Business Association: Woman of the Year and a Lifetime Achievement Award for Consumer Goods.

In 2022, Ashley founded The Fascia Advancement Academy and the Fascia Advancement Charity to teach bodyworkers Fasciology. She has hit Inc's Fastest Growing Companies list for a second time, with over $150MM in revenue, profitable and growing. She boasts over 9 million social media followers and over 1 trillion unique media impressions for her work.